The Anti-Turkish and Anti-Islamic Stance of the British Deep State

One of the most important elements that set the stage for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the disintegration of the Middle East and turning the Islamic world into a bloodbath is the propaganda against Islam and the Turkish nation that started in Britain in the 19th century. The goal was to legitimize atrocities committed against Muslim and Turkish societies and to prevent the public from reacting to the inherent inequity - and injustice - of the process of reshaping the Middle East and the Invasion of the Islamic world.

The first step was taken with Charles Darwin's lie that the Turks were an inferior race -may God forbid the thought- and that Turks "would be soon eliminated"; therefore, the British deep state could base the bloodshed they carried out on Islamic world on so-called scientific grounds. Let’s look at what Darwin said, and how he fed the British deep state with his unscientific delusions:

We exonerate Islam, Muslims and the Turkish nation from all these offensive expressions.

Darwin's delusions about the Turkish nation

I could show fighting in natural selection having done - and doing more - for the progress of civilization than you seem inclined to admit. Remember what risk the nations of Europe ran, not so many centuries ago, of being overwhelmed by the Turks, and how ridiculous such an idea now is! The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.

Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. 1, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1888, pp. 285-286

Following Darwin's so-called scientific observation, the leading British politicians and writers of the time repeatedly made anti-Turkish statements, projecting their anti-Turkish and anti-Islamic attitude as a scientific stance. For instance, just like Darwin, the period's British Foreign Secretary George William Frederick Villiers defined the Turkish race as one that could never be civilized. According to the delusions of Villiers, Turks should have been wiped off from the face of the earth. Also William Ewart Gladstone, who served as the British Prime Minister from 1880 to 1885, uttered numerous insults against the Turkish nation and in his book referred to Turks as an “anti-human specimen of humanity”.

Gladstone had aspirations such as to drive the Turks back to the steppes of Central Asia for the continuation of their civilization. Once he said that the so-called evil actions of Turks could be eliminated only when they were eliminated.

Gladstone's hostility is not only towards Turkish nation, but to all Muslims. "For as long as there were followers of that accursed book [surely the Qur'an is above such remarks], Europe would have no peace", said Gladstone, publishing an anti-Turkish book titled “Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East". In this book, he disparaged the Ottomans with a vengeance, and wrote, “Let the Turks now carry away their abuses in the only possible manner, namely by carrying off themselves.”

"For as long as there were followers of that accursed book [surely the Qur'an is above such remarks], Europe would have no peace"

Humayun Ansari, The Infidel Within: Muslims in Britain since 1800, Hurst & Company, London, 1988, p. 80

 Let the Turks now carry away their abuses in the only possible manner, namely by carrying off themselves.”

Michael Partridge, Gladstone, Routledge, New York, 2003, p. 158


The then British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury wrote the following about the Turks in a confidential document of 1911: “Even Mr. Buxton seems to recognize the absurdity of a nation in this state of barbarianism claiming to be treated as a European State and to abolish capitulations and so on.”

 “Even Mr. Buxton seems to recognize the absurdity of a nation in this state of barbarianism claiming to be treated as a European State and to abolish capitulations and so on.”

The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, Volume 111, 1911, p. 292

These words, which regard the rightful opposition to capitulations that plagued the Ottoman Empire as "barbarism", reveal the mentality of the British deep state. According to the British deep state, Turks and Muslims are condemned to slavery, service, and exploitation under the Anglo-Saxon race. In fact, it was this period when Britain labeled the Ottoman Empire as the "Sick Man". Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith said in a speech that the Ottoman Empire was on its deathbed and maintained that, as the nest of malice and evil, this sick man would not revive again.

Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister during the First World War, said that all the Arabic-speaking lands should be taken away from the Ottomans and placed under mandate. He said that Turks would have a certain portion of Anatolia, but no European territory at all. He maintained that Turks should be given no part of the Straits or the seas. George was fixated on one notion: that Turks have stayed and caused troubles in Europe for centuries, and that Istanbul was not Turkish, it was Greek. And Turks had to be removed from there.

Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister during the First World War was fixated on one notion:

"That Turks have stayed and caused troubles in Europe for centuries, and that Istanbul was not Turkish, it was Greek. And Turks had to be removed from there."

Erol Ulubelen, İngiliz Gizli Belgelerinde Türkiye [Turkey in British Secret Documents], p. 230

Lord Curzon expressed his anti-Turkish views very clearly, saying that Turks had to be thrown out of Europe. He called Turks “a nest of pestilence, creators of wars, and blasphemy for its neighbors” and claimed that they had to be wiped off from Europe.

 “a nest of pestilence, creators of wars, and blasphemy for its neighbors”

"What did they think about us", November 8, 2016,

The British historian Edwin Pears' remarks about the occupation of Istanbul in his 1918 article for Daily News are quite appalling. He wrote: “Well, it looks as if the Turk will be got rid of, and if it be so there will be a song of triumph which should go up from every Christian race in the World, a Te Deum in which all lovers of civilisation should take part.”

 “Well, it looks as if the Turk will be got rid of, and if it be so there will be a song of triumph which should go up from every Christian race in the World, a Te Deum in which all lovers of civilisation should take part.”

"The Telegraph (Brisbane, QLD), 18 January 1919", Myheritage,

The anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim rhetoric of 19th-century British politicians, examples of which we touched upon briefly, are important in terms of understanding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and contemporary developments. In the 19th century, the British deep state not only targeted the Ottomans but also the religion of Islam. During these provocations, there were attacks against our religion and an overall policy to weaken the Islamic world. Edward Augustus Freeman, an English politician, bizarrely argued that Islam -may God forbid the thought- was a restrictive and intolerant religion. Freeman was also one of the most vocal names in anti-Turkish propaganda after the Bulgarian uprising.

Winston Churchill, who served as Home Secretary, Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Minister of Defense and, finally, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, repeatedly used the most slanderous expressions about Islam and Muslims. Churchill regarded the Anglo Saxon race as supreme and other races as so-called semi-animal creatures from the inferior classes that needed to be exploited and guided. Churchill, a politician who proposed that 100,000 British troops should be forcefully taken to labor camps and be castrated, thought that in this way, the decline of the British race could be prevented.

It was also Churchill who ordered Kenya's fertile lands to be worked only by the Caucasian race, who caused the transportation of 150,000 Kenyans to concentration camps.

Even today, behind the atrocities that take place throughout the Islamic world, lies the British deep state's racist and anti-Islamic black propaganda and insidious politics. The greatest barrier against this insidious plan is a strong Islamic Union where Muslims ally together and live by Islam as it was defined in the Qur'an, which is the highest point of democracy, freedom, art and quality. When Muslims are in a total union of love as God commands, no treacherous plan will have the opportunity to influence this region.

The Anti-Turkish Views of Charles Darwin

Former British Prime Minister Gladstone, too, uttered numerous insults against the Ottomans and the Turkish nation

İngiltere başbakanı Lord Salisbury 1911 tarihli gizli bir belgede Türkler hakkında şunları söylüyordu---

British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury wrote the following about the Turks in a confidential document of 1911:

Eski ingiltere başbakanı Lloyd George da savaş sırasında yayınladığı memorandumda şöyle yazmıştı---

Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister during the First World War, was fixated on one notion:

İngiliz devlet adamı Lord Cruzon ise Türklere beslediği karşıtlığını şöyle ifade ediyordu—

British statesman Lord Curzon expressed his anti-Turkish views very clearly:

İngiliz tarihçi Edwin Pears'in ise 1918'de İstanbul'un işgali hakkında yazdığı makaledeki şu ifadeleri ibretliktir---

The British historian Edwin Pears' remarks about the occupation of Istanbul in his 1918 article are quite appalling: